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2024 Award Recipients

Congratulations to the recipients of our 2024 awards!


Want to learn more about what each award means?

Lawton Johnston President's Award

This award is given at the pleasure of the SEERA President, and is named in honor of Lawton Johnston's contributions to our sport and the southeast.


The 2024 Lawton Johnston President's Award recipient is Patsy Gowen - congratulations!


SEERA President Shannon Thomason had the following to say on why Patsy is so deserving of this award:

"Patsy resides in South Carolina, and currently serves as SEERA's South Carolina State Director. Patsy joined the AERC and SEERA in the early 90's, and has competed regularly over the past 30+ years. During that time, Patsy has amassed over 12,000 competition miles with 318 completions out of 338 total starts for a 94% completion rate. As astounding as that record is, Patsy's contributions to our sport go far beyond the numbers. Patsy dedicates countless hours per year to maintaining the trails across the state of South Carolina, ensuring riders and horses can enjoy the beautiful trails our Southeast region has to offer. Patsy is a legendary ride manager in the Southeast, hosting several rides each year, and extending her knowledge and experience to other ride managers to ensure every ride's success. If you've ridden at a Southeast ride, there is a strong likelihood Patsy has played a part in making that happen! She is a dedicated mentor, especially to the junior riders of our sport, and is often seen helping young riders or answering questions from new participants. She has a wealth of knowledge on the sport, and never hesitates to lend a helping hand or word of advice where it is needed. Patsy is a fierce advocate for SEERA and the sport of endurance, believing firmly in the beauty of the ride, and doing her best to bring that joy and beauty to others. As SEERA President, I am deeply grateful for Patsy's immense contributions to our sport, and hope to continue sharing trail with her for years to come."


Congratulations Patsy, and thank you for all you do!!

10 Consecutive Finishes

Sponsored by Shannon Thomason

- Jake
- Calypsos Penny
- Maybe She’s Born With It
- Bey Al Shemaal
- Picaro de Presto “Pico”
- Baskadelle SMP “River”
- Dani’s Final Magic “Dan”
- HS Bogatyr
- Foxfire Tradition “Fox”
- RB Djusta Blastt “Jessie”
- Atlaas
- Uptown’s Fancy Pants “Fancy”
- CC Boy Echo “Echo”

350 Miles in One Season


- Mattie Jean Compton & Throughleap “Jolene”
- Tina Murphy & Son Rais “Shine”
- Cheryl Van Duesen & Madjule
- Scott Carroll & Calypsos Penny
- Mattie Jean Compton & Uptown Fancy Pants
- Evelyn Baig & GJR Obsidian
- Joni Buttram-Burden & Glorys Sweet Memory
- Claire Godwin & Sundown Reveille+
- Kathy Broaddus & Fougueux
- Mia Moore & Sonrise Basko
- Uma Kraskin & Habibi
- Rachel Land & Kimya
- Christel Bayol-Wyatt & Khepera El Ausir
- Michelle Brinton & RB DJusta Blastt
- Kim Minarich & Maybe She’s Born With It
- Alicia Mansuetti & Foxfire Tradition
- Jo Harder & Maries Gold
- Melina Efthimiadis & Fine Hesst

Region Crossover


Pauline Fleming

Garrie Bates Long Ears Award



First 100

Co-sponsored by RiteBalance, Sudi Lenhart, and Nolen Whitesell

Crystal Lindaberry

Consistent Condition

Sponsored by Crew Fairy and Erin Leal

Artista NL “Kimya”

Open Distance Best Condition


Artista NL “Kimya” & Rachel Land

Limited Distance Best Condition


Bey Al Shemaal & Avery Betz

100 Mile Club


- Cheryl Van Deusen & Madjule

- Mattie Jean Compton & Thoroughleap

- Sophie Donovan & Notch

Bronze Award


- Khepera el Ausir owned by Christel Bayol-Wyatt

- Notch owned by Stephen Rojek

- Thoughleap “Jolene” owned by Mattie Compton

Top 10 Riders - Open Division


1. Cheryl Van Deusen
2. Sarah Arthur
3. Uma Kraskin
4. Avery Betz
5. Tracy Benedict
6. Crystal Lindaberry
7. Joni Buttram-Burden
8. Evelyn Baig
9. Scott Carroll
10. Claire Godwin

Top 5 Riders - LD Division


1. April Borovskaya
2. Michelle Brinton
3. Cierra Tabony
4. Ashley Manning
5. Kim Little

Open Distance Mileage



Limited Distance Mileage

Sponsored by Jana Smith in Memory of Steffanie Waddington

HS Bogatyr* “Bo”

65+ Award

Sponsored by Patsy Gowen

Kim Minarich

Junior Grand Champion

Sponsored by Dinkelmann Arabians

Mattie Jean Compton

Junior Open Champion

Sponsored by Duane and Nina Barnett

Mia Moore

Junior LD Champion


Ansley Conway

4th and 5th Place Juniors


4. Arden Tabony
5. Emma Kate Priban

Freshman Horse of the Year

Sponsored by John and Tracy Benedict

RB DJustablastt "Jessie"

Freshman Rider of the Year

Sponsored by Foster Olsen and Lela Nielsen

Ashley Manning

Ride & Tie Freshman Horse of the Year


Moonlytes El Legato "Legacy"

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