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Annual Awards

All recipients of Awards and Recognitions must be a current SEERA member and only the ride results achieved as an active SEERA member apply.  Only results from SEERA-sanctioned rides apply.  A ride year is defined as December 1 - November 30.

Milestone Awards

TEN CONSECUTIVE FINISHES:  Sponsored by Shannon Thomason. Based on combined Open and Limited Distance ride completions of a single horse.  If the horse has multiple riders, combined results of member riders are used.  Completions from two consecutive ride years count. If a horse is awarded this honor, the horse and rider may not re-use rides counted towards a prior award. If at any time the horse fails to complete a ride, count returns to zero.  Member must nominate the horse with supporting documentation by December 8.


350 MILES IN ONE SEASON: Applies to a single horse/rider team, Based on combined miles from Open and Limited Distance ride completions. Miles from a single ride year count.   Recipients of Open Division Mileage Champion, Open Division Reserve Mileage Champion, and LD Mileage Champion Awards are not eligible for this award.


REGION CROSSOVER AWARD: Must be a member of SEERA residing outside the AERC Southeast Region (including Virginia). Must complete at least 200 miles of SEERA-sanctioned rides (can be either LD or open distance, and multiple horses). Juniors are eligible for this award. 


GARRIE BATES LONG EARS AWARD: In case of a tie, AERC points break the tie. If at any time the mule fails to complete a ride, a new count begins at zero.  Consecutive miles prior to the pull may still be submitted.  If the mule has multiple riders, combined results of member riders are used.  Based on the mule's combined Open and Limited Distance completions.  Only miles from a single ride year count.

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